What does the consultation include?

Consultation with Sara (online)

Thank you for your interest in Sorted and we are proud to serve you!

You are now on your first step to having a new system of life.

Sorted's goal is to create a space that reflects your personality and increases your productivity. When you use spaces in the right way, you will feel comfortable and happy around the house.

What does the consultation include?

⁃ Two sessions on Zoom

The first is 40 minutes and we will discuss how to organize and arrange your space and the tools we recommend purchasing (no files will be delivered by Sara)

The second is a 20-minute review (which will be automatically scheduled after 3 days) and includes asking questions and obtaining additional information and other advice in case you encounter any problems during the arrangement period.

How it works?

You must register first

Then choose the appropriate day and time for the first meeting (its duration will be limited to 40 minutes), attach a photo of the place and write comments.
Another meeting will be automatically scheduled for you after three days to follow up on the implementation of the plan (limited to 20 minutes duration) and you will receive the link with a photo attached after the arrangement (please save the appointment on your calendar, because we will not reschedule it you missed the date.

The last step is to attach a third photo of the space after the final arrangement yes

After paying to confirm your reservation, the meeting links with your login credentials will immediately be delivered to your email inbox. Please ensure you save it in your calendar.

For any additional assistance required, please send an email to sales@sorted.sa

To book, click here